Our latest spring edition of Contact Magazine is out now!

We are delighted to share with you the Spring edition of Contact Magazine where you can read about the latest updates from the BCA and the wider chiropractic community. With this edition we are also celebrating Chiropractic Awareness Week 2021 (CAW21) and present the findings of our research commissioned with OnePoll to mark CAW21, investigating the step change in people’s attitude towards their physical health and wellbeing beyond the immediate effects of the pandemic. 

In this edition you can also read about:

  • The latest organisational developments at the BCA
  • BCA in the press
  • BCA’s new committee structure
  • Upcoming BCA events

We would very much like to invite you to contribute your own news to Contact so we can celebrate our whole BCA community. If you have news, stories or ideas for topics you’d like us to cover, please email us.