Demonstrating the value, relevance and expertise of chiropractic on The One Show

We are very pleased to share with you this insightful segment from The One Show, where BCA Board Member and Chiropractor, Faye Deane, provides her expert opinion about the use of innovative AI equipment, designed to assist manual workers and protect their backs and joints.

Watch the segment on iPlayer here

This is a direct result of the BCA’s influential media relations strategy, reaching distinguished media outlets and demonstrating the value, relevance and expertise of chiropractic within the modern healthcare landscape.

Commenting on the topic of AI in healthcare, Faye said:

AI is infiltrating healthcare from note taking, assessments and diagnostics. The BCA were asked to comment on the use of AI to prevent work-related injuries in physical workers. The AI equipment in question was an iPhone video motion sensor followed by an exoskeleton suit, matched to compliment the movement patterns of the employee. Whilst an exciting, emerging technology, it is still very rudimentary at this stage. The motion sensor was unable to capture load or shear and/or torsional stresses through joints, and the suits are largely generic.

Large scale, robust, longitudinal studies need to be conducted to be able to appreciate the full benefit (or risks) of wearing such suits. The jury is still out as to whether this specific AI will increase longevity in patients’ income-earning years. What we do know is that an aging, and largely deconditioned population is on the rise. Do we want to decondition healthy workers further? Are these suits really preventative or do they transmit loads to other joints? Might this be a good option for those patients experiencing pain rather than being adopted as a preventative measure? Only time will tell.