Chiro Live 2023 Poster Competition – Call for Abstracts

The BCA is delighted to offer you an exciting opportunity to share your research findings in the form of a poster at our conference, Chiro Live 2023, on 18 November at the The Vox, Birmingham.

Student projects are particularly encouraged. Projects may comprise original research (randomised clinical trial, case series/report, survey, educational research, literature review, etc.), a protocol, a status report on an incomplete investigation, or thesis chapter. You may submit an abstract even if your project has been presented at another meeting or if it has been published.

Prizes will be given for best poster in each of two categories: student and registered practitioner.

The deadline for abstract submission is Friday 1 September at 17:00 UK time.

Details for abstract submission:
  • Abstracts should be structured (background, methods, results, conclusions). 
  • 250 words maximum, not including title. 
  • An institutional ethics approval number or exemption must be included for projects involving living subjects or human tissue. 
  • Abstracts should not include references, tables, graphs, figures, pictures, or video. 
  • The author who submits the abstract will be the corresponding author.
    • The corresponding author will be the contact person responsible for submission of all required materials and all correspondence.
    • The corresponding author does not need to be the primary author, but all authors of a submitted work must agree to the submission in writing.
      • Email acknowledgment of consent for submission is acceptable.
      • Images of emails may be inserted on to the abstract document.
      • Submissions without consent from all authors will not be considered.
    • The corresponding author is responsible for accuracy of the abstract submission.
    • Any one person may submit a maximum of two (2) abstracts.
    • Only one (1) abstract may be submitted for any project.
  • Only primary or co-authors are allowed to submit an abstract to the conference (non-authors are not allowed to submit). 
  • By submitting an abstract, the authors consent the abstract to be published in Contact magazine at the BCA’s discretion. 
    • Abstracts will be published as submitted by the corresponding author. It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to ensure that all requirements are met and that the work is free from factual or other errors (spelling, grammar, etc.)
  • Peer review 
    • All submissions will be evaluated by a peer review committee of scholars from across the UK convened for this purpose.
    • Criteria will include the scientific merit of the project and originality of the presentation.
      • Corresponding authors will be notified of the committee’s decision by 1 October 2023.
      • Feedback on unsuccessful submissions will be offered if requested.
  • Final versions of accepted posters must be submitted electronically as Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) documents by 20 October to be considered for a prize.
  • Attendance at the conference:
    • If an abstract is accepted for poster presentation, the presenting author must attend the conference.
      • The presenter at the conference should be the corresponding author of the work. Exceptions may be granted with advanced notice.
      • Presenting authors must complete paid (non-refundable) registration by 15 October to be included in the programme and proceedings. It is the presenting author’s responsibility to secure funding to register and attend the conference.
  • A member of the peer review committee may submit an abstract but will be excluded from the review process for that submission and will not be eligible for a prize.
  • Students are defined as undergraduate students; PhD students are considered practitioners.
  • Decisions of the peer reviewers are final.
  • Please email abstracts and permissions from all authors as a single Word document to: Kenneth Young at
    • Abstract files must be named in the following format:
      • BCA2023_Corresponding author’s last name_category (student or practitioner)_ submission number (1 if you are only submitting one abstract, 2 for the second, etc.)
      • For example: BCA2023_Young_practitioner_ 1
  • Any questions may also be addressed to: Kenneth Young,

We look forward to receiving your submissions very soon!

BCA Abstract Marking Rubric 2023
BCA Poster Marking Rubric 2023