ARMA’s New Report Highlights Gaps in MSK Leadership and Prioritisation by ICBs

In March 2024, the Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Alliance (ARMA) conducted a review by sending Freedom of Information (FOI) requests to all 42 Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) in England. The aim was to assess their leadership and strategic priorities for musculoskeletal (MSK) services. The resulting report underscores the need for immediate action.

Key Findings:

  • Nearly one in four ICBs reported having no designated MSK lead.
  • Almost one in four ICBs were unable to outline their priorities for MSK services.

Given that MSK conditions are the leading cause of years lived with disability and one of the primary reasons for long-term work absence, these gaps in leadership and prioritisation are concerning. MSK services cut across multiple areas of care – primary, community, and several secondary care specialties – and represent a significant portion of NHS spending. Despite this, the report reveals that many ICBs are not giving MSK the attention it requires to comply with their statutory duties.


The report recommends that any ICB that has not explicitly discussed MSK services at a Board meeting in the past year should do so immediately. Such discussions are essential for understanding the effectiveness of current MSK services, ensuring equitable access and improving outcomes for all populations, including children and young people with MSK conditions.

This report serves as a crucial reminder of the importance of integrating MSK health into the strategic planning of every ICB. With the right focus and leadership, ICBs can significantly improve the quality and accessibility of MSK services, ultimately benefiting the millions of people across England living with an MSK condition.

Find more information on ARMA’s work on MSK inequalities and read the full report here.