Welcoming the newest members to the profession

On 25 November, AECC University College held its 2022 Graduation Ceremony (their largest ceremony to date), with students coming from all over the world to the Bournemouth Pavilion to mark the end of their undergraduate careers. BCA President and Vice President, Catherine Quinn and Tim Button, were among the attendees who saw the latest chiropractic graduates cross the stage and celebrate their progression to being practising chiropractors, after so many years of hard work and study.

During the ceremony, AECC presented three of their chiropractic students with special awards provided by the BCA, recognising their achievements in academic excellence, clinical skills and leadership.

Owain Evans, BCA Board Member and Chair of the Student and New Graduate Committee said: “The BCA is proud to support students throughout their educational careers and in the transition from student to practising chiropractor. We do this through our events, resources and communication with student members and the UK chiropractic universities. One other part of this support is that the BCA offers each institution money to spend on professional development of students and for those institutions with graduating classes, we provide graduation prizes that reflect the values of the BCA”.

Our special congratulations go to the following award winners:

Joseph Rutter who was presented with an Academic Award for achieving the highest academic score in his final year.
From left to right: Tim Button, Joseph Rutter and Catherine Quinn
Emily Rosser who was presented with a Leadership Award for demonstrating leadership skills and behaviours.
From left to right: Tim Button, Emily Rosser and Catherine Quinn
Maria Kawik who was presented with the Student Clinician of the Year award for making an outstanding contribution to the advancement and implementation of musculoskeletal rehabilitation.


BCA President, Catherine Quinn said, “Thank you to the AECC University College for welcoming Tim and I to such a wonderful day; speaking with so many proud students and their families was a real honour. Watching over 140 smiling graduates crossing the stage to receive their chiropractic degree from the AECC’s Vice Chancellor, Professor Lesley Haig, filled us with pride in the future of our profession.

Graduates from all institutions – continue to nurture your profession by engaging with research, skill development and learning over the years ahead. As BCA members, you have joined, or are about to join, a professional community that prides itself on putting patients first. Thinking in this way will truly enrich your lives and practice in so many ways. You will make the lives of your patients so much better, and you feel so rewarded for doing so.“.

Congratulations to all AECC graduates and best of luck in your future endeavours!