Taking our Memcom Journey Forward

The BCA proudly won the prestigious Memcom Membership Excellence Award for Best Professional Body of the Year in 2022, and the 2023 awards process is now in progress.

The awards are created to shine a spotlight on successful membership organisations and, in doing so, inspire the leaders of tomorrow and recognise the creativity and hard work which goes into driving up the standards of the membership sector. With 34 awards in six categories, the Awards cover a vast area, from strategy to leadership, from engagement to publications and from individuals to teams who really make a difference.

After this landmark win, the BCA is delighted to be involved in the judging process for 2023, with our Director of Membership and Operations, Anne Barlow, acting as one of the category judges. She was chosen to be on one of the industry expert panels, assembled to provide an in-depth understanding of the industry’s ever-changing landscapes.

Speaking of her experience, Anne said, “It has been extremely interesting to look ‘under the hood’ of an incredibly diverse range of membership organisations and see how they meet the challenges of delivering top class support and services for their members. We can all learn a lot from one another, and this can only be to the benefit of the BCA and our members