Meet the BCA Excellence Award Winner – New Chiropractor of the Year

Introducing Amy Burton, winner of the BCA Excellence Award for New Chiropractor of the Year. Tom Greenway, a BCA member, nominated Amy for the award for the way she embraces the values of patient-centered care that the BCA champions.

On the evening of the awards, Tom Greenway accepted Amy’s award on her behalf.

Amy is personable, receives great reviews and always asks colleagues from all disciplines for advice so she can deliver the best possible care for her patients.

Amy has contributed to constructing and organising the clinic’s weekly CPD meetings by getting speakers talking to the team to showcase another perspective or insights into the latest evidence-based approach into treating various conditions.

Tom said, “In my humble opinion Amy fully endorses the BCA values of evidence-based care, professionalism, honesty and integrity with amazing communication skills in exact accordance with its charter. She is a real ambassador for the profession, and a role model for those wishing to practise chiropractic.

Amy has also approached many local consultants, doctors and therapists that the clinic works with and observed their work. Amy consistently receives excellent feedback, and they now refer more patients to the clinic.

Here is what Amy had to say about receiving the award:

“I am so delighted to have won the ‘New Chiropractor of the Year Award’. A big thank you to Tom Greenway for his nomination and for all his guidance and mentorship since graduating. I would like to thank everyone who took the time to vote for me and congratulations to all the other winners, as well as to Lee Lewis-Dagnell and Cocomehendo Gyaba on their nomination in this category. I feel incredibly lucky to work within an fantastic team at The Waldegrave Clinic, all of whom have supported me since the beginning, providing me the best start to my Chiropractic career. Winning this award has been the cherry on top!”


Congratulations Amy Burton!

You can find the full nomination for Amy Burton here.

Shortlisted candidates for the BCA Excellence Awards were voted on by BCA Members. Amy Burton has been awarded the New Chiropractor of the Year award based on the number of votes received.