The BCA’s Response to the Darzi Review

The British Chiropractic Association welcomes the release of the new Darzi review, which acknowledges the serious issues that the National Health Service is currently facing. We especially commend its recognition of the necessity for greater emphasis on community-based services and preventative care.

BCA President, Tim Button said: “The Darzi review makes clear what many in the chiropractic profession are already aware of, namely that the burden of MSK conditions is only growing and without increasing capacity for treatment many working age people are left waiting and unable to get back into the workforce. We are a fully qualified and regulated healthcare profession with significant MSK expertise, yet we are currently a relatively untapped resource in dealing with the MSK crisis. Our chiropractors are ready to support in the challenge to get more people back into work more quickly across the UK.

Over 6.5m working days are currently lost every year because people are suffering with MSK conditions, while it is not uncommon for people to experience wait times of over 4 months. If we are to solve the MSK crisis in the UK, the healthcare community must come together to adopt an integrated approach to care, utilising the variety of regulated professions who are embedded in our communities and can contribute to keeping the UK population in good health. At the British Chiropractic Association, we stand ready to engage with Government, the NHS and the wider healthcare community to bring our expertise and our hands on approach to tackling this issue.”

The Government press release for the publication of the report is here.

And the full document is available here.