Meet the 2023 BCA Chiropractors’ Chiropractor – Faye Deane

Introducing Faye Deane, winner of the 2023 Chiropractors’ Chiropractor BCA Excellence Award. Philippa Oakley, a BCA member, nominated Faye for the award for her incredible support for the GCC EDI working group and for continually championing chiropractic to become a more inclusive, diverse, profession. This award was kindly sponsored by our Event Partner, Atlas Clinical.

Faye was recognised for the award for a number of reasons including her position as a co-chair of Education for FICS and for the establishment of a public health internship in Chile in 2013 which, after winning a Global Partnership Seed Corn grant this year, has now turned into an international collaboration between Teesside University, the Universidad del Desarrollo & Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile. This international, interdisciplinary collaboration is remarkable and showcases the many skills and attributes chiropractors can bring to the wider healthcare landscape.

Faye is always the first person to come forward with insight and initiatives to help improve the chiropractic profession, not only at an undergraduate level with our chiropractic degree programmes, but on an international stage also with her work through FICS and the wider public health initiatives.

Here is what Faye had to say about receiving the award

I feel deeply honoured to have been recognised by the BCA members for my contribution to the profession.  This award is testament to the unwavering support I’ve received from my family, colleagues Daniel & Brittany, and the BCA.

Transitioning to academia after 14 years of clinical practice and helping to establish a new chiropractic degree has had its challenges, it’s also been the most stimulating and rewarding times of my career. I know with absolute certainty that I want to continue adding value and impact to the chiropractic profession, particularly in the field of public health.  Richard Brown, Secretary-General of the WFC gave me an opportunity to serve on their public health committee in 2021, an appointment which has inspired me more than he’ll ever imagine.  Thank you, Richard.

I’d also like to thank fellow academics from the other chiropractic institutions, who have always shown generosity in their time, guidance and willingness to support not only myself but our course at Teesside University.

Lastly, I would like to thank Philippa Oakley for nominating me for this award. Being acknowledged in this way by someone you respect so highly is the greatest of compliments.

Congratulations Faye!

Shortlisted nominees for the BCA Excellence Awards were voted on by BCA Members. Faye Deane has been awarded the Chiropractors’ Chiropractor award based on the number of votes received.