BCA Chiropractors’ Chiropractor nominee 2022 – Rob Beaven

Rob Beaven is a wonderfully dedicated Chiropractor, husband and father. Rob has upheld the values of the mission, vision and values of the BCA since before he knew what they ever were as a student and subsequently as a chiropractor.

Only a few people in any group stand up and are counted when confronted with the dilemma of giving more back to a profession than they take. Rob has dedicated his career to not only high quality ethical chiropractic practice but to also shout about it from the roof tops with his incredibly successful podcast ‘The Back Pain Podcast’. Rob runs this podcast with his friend Dave Elliot, who equally should be recognised for their services to chiropractic as they demonstrate to the public and other healthcare professionals that chiropractic is, at it’s best, a fabulous, ethical and effective profession. They have dispelled countless myths about chiropractic and through their own energy, confidence and articulate nature have been a huge boon for the profession and the BCA.

If all that wasn’t enough then Rob has also been appointed for a voluntary role at the Chiropractic Research Council (CRC) as a trustee. Rob believes in the role of high quality UK research that can advance the profession. He recognises the value BCA members bring to the CRC though their funding and want to make the most of this independent organisation for the benefit of all.

Nominated by Tim Button