Meet the 2023 BCA Chiropractor of the Year – Rob Beaven

Introducing Rob Beaven, winner of the 2023 Chiropractor of the Year Excellence Award. The BCA Board selected Rob for this award to recognise his efforts for continuing to demonstrate what it means to be a BCA Chiropractor and showcasing the values of having an exceptional standard of practice and being best in class. As part of the awards ceremony, a video showcased numerous testimonials celebrating Rob’s achievements.

BCA President, Tim Button, said,It was a pleasure to present Rob the award for Chiropractor of the Year 2023, he is a true embodiment of the BCA and is an inspiration to everyone in the profession. Continue your hard work and I am excited to see what the future has in store for you as you continue your journey.

Congratulations Rob!

The BCA Board nominated Rob for being aligned with the BCA values and vision of the organisation in the last 12 months.