TED Talk: How patients are put first through collaborating with local healthcare providers
How the WIOC is collaborating with the local health board in various clinical research and service projects, featuring our visiting professors in clinical education and metabolic bone disease. A review of how technology (force sensing/virtual dissection) is underpinning our educational delivery.
The session will present the WIOC’s collaboration with Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board providing a DXA scanning service to help the Health Board deal with their waiting list and effects of the interruptions created by the COVID-19 pandemic. The talk will also outline our current project with the Health Board to develop a direct NHS patient referral care pathway over a 6-month pilot and how we have worked together to successfully land a Knowledge Exchange and Innovation Grant to fund a research assistant for a one-year period. We are also developing a direct imaging referral pathway for NHS patients in the pilot to the local hospital working directly with the Director of Radiology and Superintendent Radiographer. Our final year students will benefit from this activity as they will be managing NHS patients and implementing patient reported outcome measures to inform their care. The WIOC has also invested in the force sensing table technology (FSTT), which will be used to develop clinical psychomotor manual skills underpinning our educational delivery as a forward thinking and progressive educational institution.