Walk To School Month

3226369_medOctober is International Walk to School Month. Primary school pupils from across the UK join forces with children in more than 40 countries worldwide to celebrate the benefits of walking to school.

The BCA has some great tips to help everyone get the most out of walking for their back health.

  • Walk don’t run: Walking is less strenuous on the joints than other forms of exercise and is weight bearing therefore helping to maintain bone density.
  • Top up your daily routine: Adding just a few minutes walking to your daily routine could be of benefit. For example, walk with your children to school instead of driving, walk to the shops; try walking a little faster to boost the exercise benefit; take the stairs instead the lift.
  • Invest in walking poles: Walking poles help you to maintain an upright position and also keep your arms moving, increasing the health benefits and helping to maintain a good posture.
  • Keep hydrated: As you walk, it’s important that you top up your fluids as the body works better when well hydrated. Your muscles and joints will work more efficiently and for longer.
  • Walk heel to toe: Walking so your heel strikes the floor first and then pushing off your toes allows your foot to act as a shock absorber and helps to push you forwards.
  • Buy the right footwear: Make sure your shoes are flat, supportive and flexible.

Focus on your posture – see our simple exercises