The importance of the BCA Patient Charter for building a strong, confident, and proud chiropractic community within the modern healthcare system
Part 3
How does the BCA Patient Charter make you feel? This is a question we have been asking members since we launched the Charter in November 2022, and we’re excited to share with you some of their thoughts and perspectives on how it makes them feel empowered, confident and proud to represent the BCA and its values.
We undertook a number of interviews with members at different stages of their careers, which we will share with you throughout March. Third in line is Kyla Koçak, a fourth year Chiropractic student at WIOC who told us about how the BCA Patient Charter helps her to advance her skillset and guides her in her professional development.
Before you get into today’s interview, click here if you are not familiar with the BCA Patient Charter and want to find out more. BCA members can also download the Patient Charter for the digital screens in their clinics or request printed copies of it by clicking here.
To read the second interview in this series, click here.
Can you please tell us a bit about yourself, focusing on your career history so far?
Hi, my name is Kyla Koçak! I am a fourth year Welsh Institute of Chiropractic student. I first came across chiropractic during a discussion with a likeminded classmate after debating whether to take up the study of medicine. However, after lots of reading and shadowing, I fell in love with chiropractic’s hands-on, holistic approach to medicine and since never looked back.
Now, I have developed specific interests in reading research and holistic evidence-based practice. I have also dabbled in numerous roles over the duration of the course, scoping from the World Congress of Chiropractic Students, Welsh Institute of Chiropractic Society, the British Chiropractic Association Student and New Graduate Committee, as well as being a Welsh Institute of Chiropractic course representative. From this, I am currently using my learnings to implement the best practice throughout our clinical year.
What does it mean to you to be a part of the BCA?
The BCA has been a great aid in preparing me for what is to come in my career after I graduate, and what is in the works to ensure a smooth and supported transition into practise. This is done through its insightful communications about PRT and in In Touch newsletter.
Since joining the BCA, I have had better access to open discussions with other chiropractors who are similar and dissimilar in the wide scope of practice of our profession. This increased discussion has been very enlightening. I feel as though there is a great mutual respect, friendliness, and open-mindedness within the BCA community, and this reason among others makes the BCA an exciting association to be a part of.
How does the Patient Charter help advance your skill set?
I feel the Patient Charter provides a nice, simplified summation of the care we should be providing for our patients and how to do so.
Reviewing the Patient Charter has been a useful objective check list to follow to ensure that I am constantly developing the level of care I provide in a student clinical setting. If I notice anything on the charter that I am not providing to my patient, I can re-focus my efforts on improving the skill sets associated with the points of care I could better provide.
How does the BCA and it’s Patient Charter make you feel more empowered and confident?
The Patient Charter perfectly summarises the BCA’s values in providing patients with the best, evidence-based package of care. Knowing that the charter is available for me to refer to is reassuring; it gives both me and my patients confidence that I support and actively implement these important values.
As a student how does the Patient Charter guide you in your professional development?
I use the Patient Charter as traffic light system to mark where my best qualities align and where I need improvement. This has been great in both my professional development and many other aspects of practise. The charter provides me with goals to achieve and attributes that should be valued by all professionals within a healthcare setting, even outside of chiropractic.
It is also great that other chiropractors can see by undertaking the values of the patient charter, you are putting your patients care and your own skill-set development at the forefront of your practise.