The BCA’s Top Tips This Walk To Work Day

For those who didn’t know, it is National Walk to Work Day  (07 April)!

With the longer days and lighter mornings now upon us, there is no better time to participate in a national event like this.  Taking a walk can help you clear your mind, burn calories, and boost your heart rate. By starting the day off this way, you may be encouraged and influenced to eat healthier throughout the day. At the British Chiropractic Association, our members champion delivering patient-centred and evidence-based care, so will work closely with their patients to ensure they reach their health targets.

BCA President, Catherine Quinn shares her top tips that can help make all the difference and prevent any unnecessary pain from getting between you and your next walking adventure.

  1. The right fit

    Shoes should be flat and flexible, with supportive features for added safety. Walking shoes with a firm ankle-support are ideal as they prevent you from ‘going over’ your ankle. Remember, if the shoes have laces, make sure that they are tied firmly, but not enough to cut off circulation – there’s a balance.

  2. Walk like a pro

    Keeping a steady pace may sometimes seem hard when being pulled by your dog on the lead, but it is vital for you to stay mindful. Remember that your heel should hit the floor first and then push off with your toe. Your foot acts as a natural shock absorber, so protect it, as it does you.

  3. Find your stride

    Try to avoid over-striding. Shorter, faster strides are more efficient and encourage good ‘propulsion’ through the big toe. If you’re descending steeper hills, they also prevent you putting the ‘brake’ on your landing leg with significant force through the knee, as you would with longer strides.

  4. Going up

    If you’re walking uphill, keep tall and avoid stooping over. Squeezing your butt muscles can help drive you up a hill too – and it’s great for toning up!

  5. Don’t over-do it

    Listen to your body and don’t try to walk too far, too soon. If you’re not ready to take on an epic walking adventure just yet, that’s ok! Start by incorporating a few more steps into your routine each day instead.

  6. Graceful falling 

    The art of falling over doesn’t sound like it should hold any decorum, but there is a technique to it. If you do fall, try, and curl up and ‘roll’ with the fall. Remember to stay relaxed, this will minimise any jarring to your body. Whilst it may be an automatic reaction, try to avoid putting your hands out to save you – this may cause wrist injuries.

  7. Enjoy it 

    Above all else, enjoy yourself! Relish the scenery, the fresh-air, and all the other physical and mental benefits that walking brings.


About the British Chiropractic Association: The BCA is the largest and longest-standing association for chiropractors in the UK and has been named ‘Best Professional Body of the Year’ at the Memcom Excellence Awards 2022 for its Repositioning Project which has played a pivotal role in changing the healthcare landscape for the better. As well as promoting international standards of education and exemplary conduct, the BCA supports chiropractors to progress and develop to fulfil their professional ambitions with honour and integrity, at every step. The BCA is raising awareness about the rigour, relevance and evidence driving the profession and the association’s ambition for chiropractic to be more closely embedded within mainstream healthcare.

The BCA is the home for chiropractors who provide patient-centred, evidence-based care and offer full transparency to their patients. Through the Patient Charter BCA chiropractors provide reassurance to their patients and that they will empower them to make an informed decision about their treatment.