Greg Kawchuk

Dr. Greg Kawchuk DC, PhD is a professor in the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine at the University of Alberta. Greg is a CMCC graduate (1990) who practiced chiropractic for 15 years in multidisciplinary settings before becoming a full-time researcher. He was the recipient of the first chiropractic research chair in Canada and in 2004, was recruited to the University of Alberta as the Canada Research Chair in Spinal Function. Dr. Kawchuk’s research interests are focused on back pain and spine function. His work spans basic science, clinical trials and implementation studies. Competitive agencies that have supported Dr Kawchuk’s work include CIHR, NSERC and NIH. His most recent work has appeared in The Spine Journal, Pain, Scientific Reports and PLOS One. Dr. Kawchuk is one of three founding members of CARL, the Chiropractic Academy for Research Leadership, a mentoring program for early career scientists. He is presently leading the new GLA:D Back initiative in Canada.