Create Your Classified Advertisement Here

Welcome to BCA Classified Advertising. These adverts are suited to advertising jobs (full time, part time, locum, self employed etc), secondhand items for sale (benches, clinic equipment etc) and clinics for sale/rent or consulting rooms for rent.

For other advertising options and commerical opportunities, contact the BCA by email

Options available:
Online: Classified ad appears on public and member online classifieds; up to 5 pictures can be included. Posted for a period of three months.
In Touch: Classified ad appears within the electronic newsletter, which is generally sent weekly to BCA members. Minimum of eight placements.
How to post an ad
  • Go through the fields below; some are mandatory, some optional. The mandatory ones are indicated.
  • You can add up to five pictures to make your classified ad stand out from the rest (these are only included in online ads). The images should ideally be 600 x 400 pixels and in .jpg or .png format. If you do not have an image to post, the system will post a default advertising image.
  • If you need assistance in completing your submission, please complete the field at the bottom of the page and someone will get back in touch with you or contact the BCA by email
  • Once your classified ad is submitted, it will be sent for review before being posted live. If there are any queries which need to be answered before posting, you will receive an email.
  • The system will automatically calculate your charges and you can pay securely using a credit or debit card.
  • Once posted you can manage your ads by coming back to this page:
    • All your previously posted ads will be listed and you can suspend an ad if you want to remove it before the three month expiry.
    • If placing a new ad, you can take a duplicate of a previous ad to help in developing a new one.
Important notes
  • Any classifiedad also submitted for In Touch newsletter will be processed for the next editions of the relevant publications according to copy submission cut-off dates
  • The BCA reserves the right to refuse to accept any advertising submitted and, in this eventuality, a full refund of charges will be made.
  • Advertising here is suited to advertising jobs (full time, part time, locum, self employed etc), secondhand items for sale (benches, clinic equipment etc) and clinics for sale/rent or consulting rooms for rent. The BCA reesrves the right not to accept advertising outside of these categories. If you need guidance on our advertising options, please contact the BCA here
  • It is incumbent on the advertiser to ensure that their ad follows current legislation on advertising standards, equality and diversity and, as applicable, is in line with the GCC Code Of Practice and Standards of Proficiency.
  • We advise advertisers (and particularly those selling items) to be careful about what information to divulge regarding a sale until you are certain you are dealing with a genuine buyer. We also advise that you only accept trackable forms of payment (paypal, BACS, credit card).


If you have any queries regarding advertising, please contact the BCA by email

View Advertising Rate Card (updated 15/07/2024)

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