We are delighted to share with you the digital Summer edition of Contact magazine where you can read in-depth information about the latest developments in your Association, as well as news and interviews from across the chiropractic community.
In this edition, we are focusing on two major aspects of our work over the past few months, namely the BCA’s strategic repositioning and upcoming elections of the Board. We give you, our members, a round-up of our findings from the two member surveys that served to inform the direction of our major repositioning project, as well as information about the process of electing the people who will represent you at a Board level over the next two years.
In this edition you can also read about:
- The latest organisational updates from the General Chiropractic Council (GCC), the Royal College of Chiropractors (RCC), the World Federation of Chiropractic (WFC), the Chiropractic Research Council (CRC) and the Society for Promoting Chiropractic Education (SPCE).
- The latest organisational updates from the five universities providing chiropractic education in the UK.
- The members of BCA’s three standing committees.
- Professional insights on chiropractic in golf and animal chiropractic.
- Business information and advice.
- Upcoming BCA events and CPD opportunities.
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The Summer edition of Contact is available to view as a digital edition when opened on a desktop and is mobile-optimised for simplicity of reading when opened on your mobile or hand-held device. If you prefer to see the PDF replica version, then that option is available too.
When you open the issue for the first time on either your desktop or smartphone, there is a very short tutorial to help you navigate the platform and all the available features, which we recommend you taking a look at. You can also access this tutorial later through the help menu.
Additionally, you can:
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This issue also contains links for instant access to further information and video content, in addition to the text, for a more engaging reader experience.
We hope you enjoy our latest issue and we would very much like to invite you to contribute your own news to Contact so we can celebrate our whole BCA community together!
If you have news, stories or ideas for topics you’d like us to cover, please email us.