A note from a recent graduate
I registered as a student member of BCA back in 2013 when I first started my course in Bournemouth. Moving to Wales I decided to get more involved, attending conferences and seminars, and networking with Chiropractors and students. I wanted to be on the front line, working to be one of the first students to obtain sponsorship to conferences when the initiative started, and trying to contribute to the communal experience participating as a student Marshall during BCA’s 20th anniversary celebration at WIOC. It is through my journey as a student that I decided I wanted to contribute further after graduating, actively participating into the organisation of conferences, and helping out in any way for me possible.
BCA has always been my choice because of the security that the largest UK chiropractic organisation offers to its members, because of its constant encouragement to evidence approach to practice, and because of the privilege of being part of an organisation that gives me the chance to give back to the community (chiropractic or not). As a student I saw BCA making a huge effort in looking for new ideas for growth, giving opportunities to research, and encouraging young chiropractors and students to actively participate. Getting more involved I have seen BCA’s desire to change the public’s opinion of chiropractic in UK through campaigns, social media, events and activities.
As a recent graduate, I now see the support this organisation offers to their members, experiencing it first hand through the financial help I have been granted being now a full time chiropractor and MPhil/PhD student at the same time. It shows the BCA’s interest in helping new graduates to build their confidence and careers, while also promoting the profession encouraging more research.
I am a proud BCA member. We belong to a profession that needs go forward, and BCA wants and actually is looking to the future, involving those that ARE the future. With this attitude our profession will have no option but to shine!
I cannot stress it enough: I am a proud BCA member.
Maria Laoudikou Associate Chiropractor at Life Chiropractic Clinic (Southend on Sea) MPhil/PhD student at University of South Wales