Keep dancing with the BCA

If watching Strictly Come Dancing gets you in the mood to put on your dancing shoes, take a note of Owain Evans’ top tips to put your best foot forward on the dance floor. Owain is a Chiropractor and Board Member of the British Chiropractic Association. 
  1. Warm up – You’d be surprised to learn how many amateur dancers don’t warm up properly before hitting the dance floor, especially when you notice how seriously the professionals take this part of their routine. It’s important to spend a couple of minutes warming up before putting on your dancing shoes. Start off with some gentle stretches to help ease your body into any rigorous activity. This allows both control and power to be ready for you at the first tee – and it helps prevent injuries.
  2. Think about your feet – Make sure your shoes are the right size so that your feet do not slide forward – you’d be surprised how many people wear the wrong sized shoes! It’s also important to wear a pair of shoes that have a wide enough toe box that allows you to comfortably wiggle your toes to avoid any unnecessary pressure being placed on your feet when getting up and dancing.
  3. Listen to your body – If you are picking up dancing as a new hobby, don’t be alarmed if you experience any aches and pains in the first few weeks. It’s completely normal to experience aches and pains when you start something new. It normally passes in a few days, but if it’s a persistent ache or niggle in the same place, it needs treating. To find your nearest chiropractor, visit the BCA’s Find A Chiropractor page.
  4. Enjoy yourself – Regular activity helps to keep aches and pains at bay, and dancing is great way to get your whole body moving – from your arms and right down to your legs and torso. Learning a new skill is great for the body and mind so if you are picking up dancing as a new hobby, just remember to enjoy yourself!