The BCA Influences New GCC Code

The BCA Influences New GCC Code

The GCC Council approved the final version of their new Code of Professional Practice at their meeting on 5 December. The BCA has been through this final version and are pleased to see the significant impact that our feedback has made to standards within the Code. Positive changes include:  Registrant safety and ceasing treatment Members […]

The BCA Influences New GCC Code: What happens now?

The BCA Influences New GCC Code: What happens now?

Following our member update last week, we’ve received confirmation from the GCC that the Council approved the final version of the new Code at their meeting on 5 December. The BCA has been through this final version and are pleased to see the significant impact that our feedback has made to standards within the Code. […]

October Public Affairs Member Update

October Public Affairs Member Update

We’ll be bringing members periodic updates on our political research and lobbying work. As a brief recap, members said they wanted the BCA to use research donations to establish ourselves in the political space. In 2024 so far, we have drilled down into the landscape to create understanding about where we can make impact and […]

On the 30th anniversary of the Chiropractors Act, Past BCA President Ian Hutchinson shares his recollection of events that led to this momentous legislation

The Chiropractors Act 1994 provides statutory regulation for the profession and the title ‘chiropractor’ is protected under this legislation. The BCA thanks Ian and the many BCA members who were central to gaining statutory registration. As the largest and longest-standing association for chiropractors in the UK, we are proud to have played our part in achieving […]

The BCA hosts the first Westminster chiropractic roundtable discussion in 30 years

The BCA hosts the first Westminster chiropractic roundtable discussion in 30 years

On Tuesday 23 April, for the first time in 30 years, the BCA hosted a roundtable discussion at Westminster, chaired by BCA President, Tim Button. The roundtable was kindly sponsored by Alex Sobel MP, with the purpose of progressing the BCA’s Vision for chiropractic to be integral to UK healthcare and exploring how chiropractors can […]

GCC Guidance and Toolkits Published Since January 2022

GCC Guidance and Toolkits Published Since January 2022

Since January 2022, the GCC has published a number of additional resources, which are important professional requirements that members must familiarise themselves with and follow. Here is a summary of these resources to provide you with an easier access. We advise you to save the documents and/or bookmark the pages for future reference. Statutory Guidance […]

GCC Retention

The annual GCC retention process is underway. The insurance information you need as part of this is as follows: Indemnity Insurer: Royal & Sun Alliance Limit of Indemnity: £5 million Renewal date for current policy: 31/12/2022  

The future of chiropractic regulation

Call for chiropractors to inform the future of regulation of the profession in the UK In March 2021, Department of Health & Social Care (DHSC) published its consultation on ‘Regulating healthcare professionals, protecting the public’, seeking the views from registrants, patients, the public and other interested stakeholders on its proposed reforms. The BCA has been […]