Healthy Sleep - A vital building block for wellness and optimal performance

Healthy Sleep – A vital building block for wellness and optimal performance

This World Sleep Day, the Sleep Wellness Team at Kaymed, who are the BCA’s Sleep Health Partners, share their expert advice for improving wellness and optimal performance through sleep. Scroll down to read more about what is the best sleep position, how to choose the right mattress and some top tips for achieving good quality […]

Tips and Tricks for Improving Sleep this World Sleep Day

Tips and Tricks for Improving Sleep this World Sleep Day

Marc Sanders, Chiropractor and Member of the British Chiropractic Association, provides his top tips for preventing back or neck pain while sleeping. Have the right number of pillows Marc says: “I often see patients who find the way they are sleeping is contributing to their back or neck pain, and often it’s their pillows which […]

Boost your energy levels with these tips from the BCA

Boost your energy levels with these tips from the BCA

Almost half (44%) of Brits want to prioritise improving their overall energy levels as part of their fitness routines as Covid-19 restrictions continue to lift and people ease back into more normal routines. The BCA has shared its top tips to improve energy levels. The British Chiropractic Association has launched new research investigating the step […]