BCA New Chiropractor of the Year nominee 2022 – Lee Lewis-Dagnell

Lee has just come to the end of his first year in clinic. After having an unconventional time at AECC through a global pandemic, Lee settled into life in a clinic surprisingly easily; most probably due to his easy and out-going nature.

Lee has experienced a huge growth in skills and knowledge as a chiropractor, as well as in his personal development over this last year and has been an absolute delight to have in the team. He is always keen to learn and often asks his colleagues advice and opinion on cases. Lee ensures he implements everything that he is taught in order to serve his patients to the best of his ability. He is always striving to be better and will work hard to find a solution for his patients even for the trickiest cases, where others may give up.

When Lee joined our team, he was taking over part of a list from an experienced chiropractor who was moving onto pastures new – a daunting task for a new grad! Lee has successfully retained many of those patients and he continues to treat them today. He continually receives 5 star reviews and gets consistent patient referrals. He is an asset to the team with his positive attitude and great sense of humour. Lee has had personal challenges of his own but has never let that interfere with his professional life. He is a great listener, quickly builds rapport and trust; which is why his patients really open up to him.

Lee works very hard, not only in clinic, but also in his spare time, learning as much as he can to continually improve. Lee has already undertaken over 10 hours of independent webinar training, 40 hours of face-to-face training and 24 hours of face-to-face seminar events. In addition, he is currently undertaking the PRT programme with the RCC. Lee has spent his own time promoting chiropractic to the local rugby team and helping treat their members. The practice has been through big expansion over the last year and Lee has adapted and moved gracefully with each change and adopted new skills positively along the way.

Lee is never afraid to refer patients to other therapists if he feels their skills are better suited to the patient’s needs. Twice this year, he has identified vertebral fractures that had previously gone undiagnosed before the patients came under his care at our clinic. He has been eager to promote Chiropractic to the local community and even makes supportive videos to help educate patients. For those patients that struggle financially, he is always willing to help to ensure patients in our community can get the care they deserve. Lee has undertaken over 1700 treatments in just his first year! He is always keen to learn new skills and has already become proficient in muscle testing and laser therapy and is about to complete a dry needling course.

I can highly recommend Lee for new chiropractor of the year!

Nominated by Elizabeth Garvey