A Contemporary Evidence-Based Approach to the Painful Shoulder
When data tells you that imaging does not show someone’s pain and special tests are not that special, what do you do?
This class will be drawing upon a mixed modality approach, combining education, motivational interviewing and an exploratory, trial and error exercise prescription.
Exercise adherence is poor across the board. This class will be utilising therapeutic neuroscience education developed by B2R & USW, integrated in an experiential learning environment, mixing top down (Cognitive) and bottom up (Physical) interventions, simultaneously. We will be exploring the application to the painful shoulder building on Prof Jeremy Lewis’ shoulder symptom modification procedure (SSMP) to clinically work with the greyness of imaging, special tests and the complexity of pain. Joy and passion are the biggest drivers of adherence and with this in mind, we would do well to create a meaningful experience as teachers and as clinicians that invite and inspire people to do the necessary work away from our clinical sessions.