Understanding Self-Doubt and Developing Self-Confidence
Doubt and uncertainty are a normal features of everyday life. There is a significant difference between doubt and self-doubt. It is futile trying to develop one’s confidence and assertiveness without first understanding self-doubt; just as we need to understand ‘pathology’ before we consider therapeutics.
Feelings of doubt have both advantages and disadvantages. Advantages include caution before action – “Look before you leap” as the saying goes. But doubt can also lead to uncomfortable feelings of anxiety. This is neatly captured in my stress equation – Stress + Uncertainty x Urgency. Unfortunately, when people get trapped within feelings of self-doubt they can adopt strategies to cope with these feelings, such as perfectionism and narcissism, which are ultimately counterproductive in the long term. This talk will discuss and explain the connection between these themes as well as describe how to avoid slipping into your counter-productive strategies when experiencing doubt and self-doubt.