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Unleash your potential; exciting associate position available in Leicester

One of our Chiropractors is of on new ventures and we are looking for a passionate chiropractor to take over his patient base, 3 days a week, from June 2024!
The Health on Hand Chiropractic Clinic is looking for a hard-working and enthusiastic chiropractor to join our passionate team in Leicester 3 days a week. A chiropractor with a special interest in treating pregnant women and children, would be a benefit. There will be possibilities for adding 1 or 2 days at the Mansfield Branch.

The clinic is progressive in the treatment techniques used and are always encouraging the chiropractors to learn more. We hold regular chiropractic meetings to discuss patients, the running of the clinic, and treatment techniques.

The principal Thomas Jeppesen graduated from the AECC in 1997 and has a keen interest in Sports Chiropractic. Being registered as a PRTS trainer will be an asset to new graduates.
We will help new graduates by paying the fees of GCC and BCA membership the first year.

If you can see yourself working in a modern, light, and friendly environment with excellent front desk support and regular chiropractic meetings, please send your CV and a Cover letter to practice manager Soraya Mangrolia at healthonhand@yahoo.com

For further information on the clinics visit www.healthonhand.co.uk

Associate Wanted

thomas jeppesen


